Magazine IHRM Magazine Wed, 25 Sep 2024 10:35:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Magazine 32 32 RAISING RESPONSIBLE MILLENNIALS AND GEN-Zs IN THE WORKPLACE Wed, 25 Sep 2024 10:35:46 +0000 The emergence of generational characteristics of millennials and Gen-Z has shocked many. This is an interesting demographic to learn and watch with its unique characteristics. As a millennial, I was shocked when I heard blanket statements that millennials were generally lazy


By Kusa Hazel 

The emergence of generational characteristics of millennials and Gen-Z has shocked many. This is an interesting demographic to learn and watch with its unique characteristics. As a millennial, I was shocked when I heard blanket statements that millennials were generally lazy. I kept on wondering how I could change the perception and narrative about millennials in the workplace. During my debut internship, I was keen to look at the gaps where I could add value. This set a good footprint on how I viewed work and created a competitive advantage for my generation.

Millennials and Gen Z have extraordinary expectations from work and have different values, such as greater transparency and increased diversity. Previous generations were more reserved on discussing matters such as mental health and work-life balance. 

A recent study by Siasa Place dated 4th May 2024 indicates that Gen Z hate 8-5 jobs, and prefer flexi–hours; gave mind-boggling insights on expectations of young people at the workplace such as flexible working hours and challenging the status quo on bureaucracy. “Gen Zs hate 8-5 work routine and would prefer working from home or in shifts”.

The status quo can however be challenged through mentorship, as the youth demographic divide is an asset in Africa as it comprises of the largest population. These youth groups comes with plethora of skills not limited to innovation and being technologically savvy. The quality of mentorship a young person is exposed to decolonizes their mind by shifting from scarcity to abundance mentality, I sometimes refer to them as a Cheetah generation.

An example of such a mentorship programme is the Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) which has three components; The YALI regional centres in East, Central, West and South Africa which gives an opportunity for young people across Africa to interact and leverage their skills, rich diversity and Pan-African values. Mandela Washington Fellowship a cultural immersion programme in the United States brings together seven hundred (700) exceptional leaders across Africa, and YALI online courses provide an e-learning platform on various topics and skills ranging from interview, workplace diversity, goal setting and many contemporary issues. The flagship program by former POTUS Barrack Obama is solid in building the next generation of leaders in Africa where I am a beneficiary of the Public Management Track under YALI RLC East Africa.  

Mentorship plays a vital role in shaping ideologies, demystifying misconceptions, half-truths, learning, unlearning and relearning. An excellent example is the Emerging Public Fellowship Programme (PSELF) where I was nurtured with crème ’de le crème ‘accomplished public servants like Emeritus Head of Public Service Amb. Francis Muthaura, Former CEO of Vision 2030 Dr. Mugo Kibati, Former Liberian President Sir. Ellen Johson Sirleaf, Director of Performance in the Public Service among others on citizen-centricity and understanding the public service and how it works.  This has given me and other fellow beneficiaries of the programme greater responsibility than our normal job description stipulated in the scheme of service. Millennials and Gen Zs need to invest their time and resources in such programs since they get to learn from the best and borrow best practices. 

In their book, The True North, by Bill George and Zach Clayton the difference between 20th  century and 21st Century leaders include; ‘’ In philosophy, 20th  Century leaders believe in command and control whereas 21st Century leaders believe in authentic leadership, in organizational leadership 20th Century leaders believe in hierarchical management contrary to 21st Century leaders who believe in empowering leadership, greatest strength of 20th Century leaders is IQ whereas 21st Century leaders if EQ, 20th Century leaders motivation is self-interest contrasting with 21st Century leaders who are motivated by institution’s best interest. Lastly, 20th Century leaders’ experience is perfect resume whereas 21st leaders’ experience is learning through crucibles’’. 

As we celebrate the International Youth Day of Service, millennials and Gen Zs at the workplace ought to invest in self-development by being self-aware and identifying crucibles that will shape their true self. Further, finding their sweet pot, living an integrated life and align their values. In his book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steve Covey gives seven (7) principles of metamorphosis from developing self to interdependence of building synergy with groups and others. Practising the seven habits for close to five (5) years has helped me discover myself as a millennial to do better, and become better. Every inherent human being is a work in progress. 

Kusa Hazel is an HR practitioner at the Office of the Deputy President, State Department for Devolution-Nairobi Rivers Commission. Fellow; Emerging Public Service Leadership Fellowship Programme (PSELF)-Inaugural Cohort | Fellow: Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI East Africa)-Public Management Track | Semi-finalist; Mandela Washington Fellowship, 2024 | Fellow: Inaugural Cohort: East Africa Fellowship Public Service Leadership Programme | Member: Associate member Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM).


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The Gen Z Mindset: A New Business Management Model Wed, 25 Sep 2024 10:31:09 +0000 Today the level of dynamism is unlike anything that came before it and as such, businesses are put under immense pressure. With the advancement in technology, today’s world is complex for an organization to survive. Amidst these challenges, a new generation has started taking a stand

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By Gerald Nyanjua Amolo 

Today the level of dynamism is unlike anything that came before it and as such, businesses are put under immense pressure. With the advancement in technology, today’s world is complex for an organization to survive. Amidst these challenges, a new generation has started taking a stand – Generation Z or Gen Z, which spans from 1997 to 2012, has started to transform the future of business in terms of innovation, sustainability, and resilience. Thus, for any business that wants to be successful in the twenty-first century, it has become a prerequisite to understand and harness the generative capacity of Generation Z. 

The Gen Z Mindset: A New Business Management Model 

They have known nothing other than being connected through the internet, and using social media as a mainstream way of interfacing with people, this generation is digitally native, globally minded, and cognizant of the interdependence of structures and societies. These characteristics are translated into the attitude that innovation is not only a tool for generating extra money but also for addressing the needs of society. Generation Z does not simply conduct business for the sake of monetary gains; they are out to change the world. 

The said mentality leads Gen Z to establish and patronize companies that have sustainable, ethical, and socially responsible operations. They will not accept the current state of affairs and are ready to disrupt conventional ways of doing business to build something new. For instance, they will buy products from organizations that are open about their effects on the environment and are pulled towards brands that reflect their beliefs in equality and fairness. 

Innovation as a Catalyst for Sustainability

Among other factors, one of the most notable features of Gen Z is the ability to use technology that was unavailable to previous generations. It’s not a matter of using the most up-to-date applications and sites; it is a case of embracing the appropriate technological approach. Many Generation Z entrepreneurs are applying technology to society to bring new changes to the economy. 

For instance, Gen Z is not only a consumer of the gig economy but also its creators. This flexibility and preparedness for change make Gen Z a formidable force when charting the course for building a company that has immense staying power. In addition, in a world where change is the only constant, it becomes vital for businesses to be constant with changes as quickly as possible. Above that, one may note that while distinguishing Generation Z, there is a connection between innovation and sustainability. They realized it is not merely about leading through an economic cycle but about creating organizations that could operate in a world with an environment.  

Sustainability – What makes Generation Z different from previous generations? The next part will be devoted to the Fundamental Pillar of Future Commerce.  

This emphasis on sustainability has now altered green innovation across the various sectors of the economy. For example, in fashion Gen Z businesspersons have risen to the challenge of designing fashionable and ethical fashion brands that are not associated with the evils of fast fashion industries. Bio-fabrics and generating attractive and naturally effective products are some of the things that they are using it for. In the energy sector, generation Z innovators are developing sustainable power solutions that are far better than the current ones in the market. They are also ahead in the program of cutting down carbon emissions, and the circular economy program as well. The scarcity here is not that it has been able to incur the least negative impact as much as policy changes that affect the business models are concerned. 

Through globalization, the current Gen Z is more knowledgeable than the previous generations; therefore, it will be wise to seek help from experienced business people. Thus, mentors will be in a position to explain to the young innovators what they should not do and how they should do it to be great innovators in a very short time. 

Collaboration: Key Gen Z insights: The promise 

To realize the full potential of Gen Z in contributing effectively to the achievements of businesses, the businesses themselves need to work in harmony. This means engaging with Gen Z at both the employee and the entrepreneurship level, as well as cultivating the ability to support their ideas. Those organizations that espouse a work culture that encourages and allows for innovation, as well as the consideration of diversity, have the potential to get the best talent in this generation from Gen Z. 

This is not only limited to the intra-organizational aspects but it goes with the extra-organizational aspects too. For Gen Z, the population is connected, and they understand that collaboration is the key to success. Therefore, they can be expected to actively engage other firms, NGOs, and governmental organizations in efforts to find solutions to global challenges. 

For example, the concept of social entrepreneurship is the result of the collaborative approach by Gen Z where many initiatives are based on involving multiple stakeholders to deal with poverty, education, etc. As such, there is an understanding that by allying, they create products that can have a social impact. 

What might be unknown to many is that the innovative ability of Gen Z is not some sort of a prospect on the horizon; it is real and already underway. This is because of their stewardship, their ability to appreciate and adapt technology, as well as their concerted efforts of major players involved, which are the key success factors in creating sustainable organizations that are capable of supporting the twentieth century. The future is bright for those companies that would like to associate with this new generation and help them unleash what lurks within them. 

Gerald Nyanjua Amolo is a practising Landscape Architect and the Founder of Apex Designs and Consultants, an architectural firm known for its innovative and sustainable design solutions, with a passion for creating harmonious environments that blend functionality with aesthetics. Email:

The post The Gen Z Mindset: A New Business Management Model  first appeared on Magazine.

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DEMYSTIFYING CAREER PROGRESSION Wed, 25 Sep 2024 10:25:18 +0000 Career progression is simply how you move forward/upward in your career. The goal is to plan each of your roles, so you remain engaged, fulfilled and excited about your work. It's also how you'll get more responsibility and earn a higher salary.

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By Elizabeth Kisebu

Career progression is simply how you move forward/upward in your career. The goal is to plan each of your roles, so you remain engaged, fulfilled and excited about your work. It’s also how you’ll get more responsibility and earn a higher salary. 

Importance/Benefits of Career Progression 

Different careers have different progression paths. Some careers have obvious and clear progression.  For those that do not, you may need to take the front foot on this one.   If you push it to one side and do not want to think about it because you don’t want to have the conversation with your boss, before you know it you will have been in the same role in the same company for 10+ years because you haven’t forward planned or thought about where you want to be in terms of your career growth. Career Growth is purely based on your own initiative and your performance. 

In short, you should be thinking about where you can progress with your role before you even start.  In the nicest way possible, your boss is not going to be thinking about this for you, they have their own job to do and their own progression to think about. Take ownership of it.   

From an employer’s perspective, it’s also important to think about it from a staff retention point of view. If employees have a clear progression path, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. 

How to hold a career progression discussion with your supervisor 

Firstly, you need to prepare.  What are you good at?  What have you achieved?  How does that position you to be successful in your next role? Write down your key accomplishments so you have tangible data. Secondly, you should describe your vision.  Where do you see yourself in one year?  Three?  Five?  Do you want to run a team?  Do you want to travel for work?  Make sure you consider the skills and knowledge you would like to develop as well as showing what you have already developed and where your strengths lie. 

Finally, make sure you ask for what you want.  Be direct and to the point, don’t be fluffy.  You want to make sure that it is absolutely clear and that it’s not going to be miscommunicated in any way.  In short, if you want a promotion or are interested in a new assignment, ASK!  Even if your boss doesn’t open every door, you can reasonably expect that they will assist you in opening them.  Promoting you will strengthen her/his reputation at the very least.   My advice would be to identify some next-step possibilities and then mutually agree on the best way forward. 

Lastly, develop your strategy.  Have a plan A, but always have a plan B – a contingency plan.  You know what your vision is, so make a plan around it. 

Tips for Career Progression

 Find a mentor 

Mentors are great.  Amongst other things, they can help you to identify and work on the skills you need to succeed at work.  They can also support you through any difficulties or challenges you are having – everything ahead of you can feel quite daunting and overwhelming, and a mentor will listen to your ideas and thoughts in a constructive and non-judgmental way. 

Use Your Performance Reviews 

Feedback helps to understand what you are doing well and where you can improve.  It’s also an opportunity to set or keep track of development goals.  Performance generally speaks for itself, and you are likely to be judged based on your output. 

Plan and Speak Up 

Consider creating your own personal development plan to help show clear objectives and actions.  No matter how motivated you are to move your career forward, if you don’t voice this to your leader, it’s possible that your career goals might never be fulfilled.  If you appear happy and are performing well in your career, it’s easy for your supervisor/line manager to presume that you feel satisfied in your career.  Discuss career progression opportunities with your manager and the potential ways that you could develop within the business.  After all, if they want to keep you on board, they will be happy to support your career, so you can keep moving in the right direction. 

  • Stop, Revive, Thrive 

Whether you are a long way ahead on your road or whether your road ahead is a long and winding one, don’t forget to stop once in a while to clear your head.  It is safe to confirm that I come up with my best ideas when I take a step back and use the time to reflect.  If you just have work and no play, you can easily drive yourself crazy, overthink, and overcomplicate something that may not be so bad.  So, don’t forget to take a breather every now and again and most importantly, don’t feel guilty about it! 

Career progression is important to think about at every stage of your career.  You should have an idea in your head about where you want to be in whatever number of years. If you have envisioned your next ten years, don’t waste time worrying about what people will think if you voice your opinion – you know where you want to be and so it’s important to speak up for it to happen.  

Take Home Pointers on Career Path Change 

Do not be afraid to change your career, if you feel stuck, unfulfilled, and not utilizing your full potential in your current career. However, before you do, please consider these few tips: 

  • Is it really that you don’t like your current career, or you are in an organisation that makes you hate your career? 
  • If your answer is yes, you don’t like your current career, then you need to take time to strategize.  You can start taking up roles in your organization that gravitate towards the career you want, that way, you will have a bit of exposure and experience. 
  • As you seek out more roles in your desired career, if finances allow, go back to school, and study. This will give you an edge when you start looking for jobs. 
  • Apply for jobs in your desired career and be sure to enlist your success stories in the current and desired career. 
  • Give your all in your current career, do not wait until you are in your desired career to give it your all. Be disciplined, have principles and be focused. This work ethic will propel you to start off your new career on a high, which will in turn work to your advantage.  
  • Do not quit your current job before you get one in your desired career. Unless of course, you have everything figured out. 
  • Above all, trust God, and your intuition. 

Elizabeth is a seasoned HR professional with over 13 years of experience in managing comprehensive HR functions, including talent acquisition, employee relations, and organizational development. Known for aligning HR strategies with business objectives, driving employee engagement, and enhancing workplace culture. Proven track record of implementing effective HR solutions and leading teams to achieve organizational success.

The post DEMYSTIFYING CAREER PROGRESSION  first appeared on Magazine.

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ENHANCING JOB SATISFACTION FOR YOUR EMPLOYEES Wed, 25 Sep 2024 08:53:44 +0000 Job satisfaction is the state of fulfillment and gratification of employees in the production process of an organization. Managers have a greater responsibility in crafting a conducive atmosphere for effective production.


By Daniel Aming’a

Job satisfaction is the state of fulfillment and gratification of employees in the production process of an organization. Managers have a greater responsibility in crafting a conducive atmosphere for effective production.  A company can employ very talented and “top cream” employees within the industry but if the workplace environment isn’t welcoming, they will all exit. The workplace environment is key in attracting and retaining employees. Employee engagement and job satisfaction are increasingly seen as a way of retaining staff, furthermore, encouraging them to share their view and ideas with co-workers and senior management helps in creating an environment of trust and cooperation.

I once researched on the “Effect of employee (teacher) transition on the performance of schools within Siaya Sub-county” in the wake of the delocalization policy adopted by the Teachers Service Commission. The research unearthed that many employees endure working in “our” institutions rather than enjoy rendering their services at the workplace as a result of an unfavourable work atmosphere which hinders the quality of their output.

So, what are the magic tips for enhancing job satisfaction?

  1. Appreciate them for the work done; Have you ever given a task your best to accomplish a task and yet nobody discovers your efforts? How did you feel? Appreciation from your boss and co-workers can turn a mundane day into a very exciting one. It gives workers the impetus to do more. People like to work where they feel valued and respected. As a manager, make it a culture to often appreciate your employees. It will work wonders and bring the best out of them.
  2. Foster good relationships with colleagues and superiors; Many people have abandoned well-paying jobs as a result of gory relationships with their colleagues. It is important to ensure you cultivate a good relationship with your superiors at the workplace since this will help in maintaining a healthy work environment resulting in job satisfaction. I once quit my work because a superior overindulged in my duties. It can be miserable to work among people you don’t get along with and in most cases, our employees at times endure working with us rather than enjoying offering their services. Some employees have ended up in depression while others are into chronic ailments as a result of this.
  3. Good work-life balance; It is crucially important for employees to take some time off to attend to family, social and spiritual issues away from work. Creating time for recreation, team building and providing personal growth incentives helps to maintain a good work-life balance thus developing an all-round team of employees is critically important for achieving institutional goals and objectives. Institutions should embrace flexible work schedules such as part-time, paternity, and working from home where possible. Companies with rigid working practices are currently becoming unattractive as many people are opting for self-employment.
  4. Company’s financial stability; Let us face the truth, we work for money and at the end of the month or week, we expect to be paid. Other benefits only follow thereafter. When the institution you are working for is not financially stable to pay for your services, you will never be satisfied to work there. The knowledge that the company you work for is financially viable enough to meet your wage bill is a guarantee in itself. Employees will only feel good when the institutions they are working for are performing well. Otherwise, they will always be in the fields looking for greener pastures.
  5. Learning and career; Every worker dreams of career progression and professional development. Everyone desires to move steadily to the top. Work without career progression results in boredom. The need to upgrade your delivery techniques can be both inspirational and motivating. As a manager, it is necessary to provide benefits for career progression and development through further training. This will attract competent workers and cultivate job satisfaction.
  6. Job security; This remains an ancient tool for attracting competent and talented workers. No one goes into a new job planning to leave it. All employees desire to work without looking over their shoulders for fear of being sacked. Whenever such insecurities begin to set in, employees begin to hatch an exit strategy. Learn to reassure your workers that their jobs are safe since threatening them with job terminations will create a big wedge between you and your staff
  7. Attractive fixed salaries; We all expect to be paid for a day’s work and knowing that your income is going to be paid at the end of the week or month is more satisfying. Some managers have a bad habit of failing to pay their employees. I once worked at an institution for several months without earning a single coin, even though my contract clearly stated that it wasn’t a voluntary position. Managers need to realise that employees have bills to be paid and withholding salaries is immoral. They should be prompt in their payments to avoid pushing workers into crisis with their service and utility providers.
  8. Interesting job content; As a manager, it is important to enrich the work of your employees by doing a proper job design to eliminate boredom. Contract a competent human resource professional to do job evaluation in your institution to match their work and qualifications to make their work interesting and lively.
  9. Company values; Most of the 21st century institutions have core values displayed from the entrance. When a worker is seeking for a job, they evaluate themselves in relation to the core values of the organization. Ensure that your company values are not a downgrade of their social moral system.

In summary, job satisfaction is both desirable and attainable. It may sometimes be necessary to modify your expectations or even consider changing jobs. No one – not your co-worker nor your boss that can make you trapped in a role that make you unhappy. When the rubber meets the road, we all tend to press the exit button somehow. (Adopted From 21st Century Managers Handbook)

The writer is the CEO of Golden Generation Consultancy Firm & Wordsmith Printing Press. He is a trainer on various HR-related issues, a mentor across a number of learning institutions, a trainer on leadership and an author of several motivational books e.g. 21st Century Managers Handbook and A Skillful Tent Maker among others. He is a member of IHRM.


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HR PRACTICE & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – A GODSEND OR A CURSE? Wed, 25 Sep 2024 06:44:43 +0000 Have you ever felt like you're juggling too many plates, struggling to keep each one spinning smoothly? In today's dynamic workplace,


By Cecilia Kariuki

Have you ever felt like you’re juggling too many plates, struggling to keep each one spinning smoothly? In today’s dynamic workplace, this sentiment resonates deeply with many of us. The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realm of Human Resources promises not just a helping hand, but a guiding light through the maze of modern talent management. But, as with any unexplored territory, fear may lurk in the shadows. Fear of the unknown. Fear of displacement. Fear of change. But what if I told you, it’s not about replacing humans with machines, but rather amplifying human potential through the seamless integration of technology? Welcome to the frontier of HR, where AI isn’t just a tool; it’s a catalyst for evolution.

Join me as we navigate this brave new world together.

  1. Supercharge Your Sourcing: From a Needle in the Haystack to Spotlight.

Harnessing AI in HR is like having a master craftsman who meticulously sculpts the perfect candidate profile. By analyzing vast amounts of data with lightning speed, AI can precisely pinpoint the skills, traits, and experiences needed for each role, streamlining the recruitment process like never before. AI will comb through mountains of CVs to deliver the diamond in the rough with surgical precision.

  1. Unlock the Potential of Your Workforce

Imagine HR tailored to fit each employee like a bespoke suit, enhancing engagement and retention. AI algorithms learn and adapt, curating personalized development plans, feedback mechanisms, and even career paths for every individual. It’s like having a personal career coach on standby, guiding employees toward their full potential with tailored recommendations and support.

  1. AI Can Help Level the Playing Field

One of the most significant hurdles in traditional HR practices is unconscious bias. If we are being honest, we all have unconscious biases. AI acts as the impartial arbiter, stripping away preconceptions and judgments to focus solely on merit and fit. While gut feelings are great, we must remember that data is king. Therefore, AI removes bias from the decision-making processes to ensure fairness and equality, fostering a truly inclusive workplace where talent shines regardless of background or demographic.

  1. The Pulse of Productivity

Monitoring employee productivity can feel like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. Enter AI-powered analytics, providing real-time insights into performance trends, bottlenecks, and opportunities for optimization. It’s like having a GPS for productivity, guiding HR professionals towards smoother operations and higher efficiency levels.

  1. Cultivating Culture

Culture is the lifeblood of any organization but nurturing it can be as elusive as catching lightning in a bottle. AI lends a helping hand by analysing employee sentiment, identifying cultural drivers, and suggesting interventions to strengthen cohesion and alignment. Think of it as a cultural gardener, tending to the roots of your organization to foster a thriving ecosystem of collaboration and innovation.

  1. The Agility Advantage

In today’s fast-paced world, adaptability is key to survival. AI equips HR with the agility to respond swiftly to changing market dynamics, emerging trends, and evolving workforce needs. Whether it’s predicting future skill requirements or adjusting talent strategies on the fly, AI empowers HR to stay one step ahead in the game of talent acquisition and retention.

  1. The Human Touch

Despite all its capabilities, AI remains a tool in the hands of humans. The true magic happens when technology and empathy intersect, creating a synergy that amplifies the human experience rather than replacing it. By freeing HR professionals from mundane tasks and administrative burdens, AI liberates time and energy for meaningful interactions, coaching, and mentorship, nurturing the human connections that fuel organizational success.

The Future of HR is Human, with a Tech Twist

As we stand on the cusp of this AI-driven revolution in HR, let us embrace the possibilities with open arms and open minds. By harnessing the power of technology to augment our innate humanity, we can transcend limitations and unlock unprecedented levels of performance, innovation, and fulfillment in the workplace. So, let’s dare to dream, dare to innovate, and dare to redefine the very fabric of HR practices. The future of HR is not about robots replacing humans, but about humans and AI working together. Together, let’s unleash the full spectrum of human potential, guided by the transformative force of AI.

Cecilia has a heart for HR and marketing. She’s all about helping businesses bridge the gap between their people and the latest advancements. As a seasoned HR & Marketing Business Partner at Datapos


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Occupying Everywhere: Gen Z’s Shaping the Future of HR and Innovation Wed, 25 Sep 2024 06:21:40 +0000 The conversation was purely political when Generation Z took to the streets a few months back. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the revolution's focus morphed, and the new targets became public figures and corporations. Back then, it was a PR and Communications problem.

The post Occupying Everywhere: Gen Z’s Shaping the Future of HR and Innovation first appeared on Magazine.

The conversation was purely political when Generation Z took to the streets a few months back. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the revolution’s focus morphed, and the new targets became public figures and corporations. Back then, it was a PR and Communications problem. However, the Gen Zs are back at work, and the freedom-fighting spirit lives on in them. HR professionals are now tasked with reshaping how organizations approach work culture, creativity, and collaboration. This presents a unique opportunity for HR professionals to harness the potential of Generation Z and shape a future of innovation and progress. 

As the youngest professionals enter the workplace, their distinct attitudes, needs, and aspirations present both challenges and opportunities for the organization. At the heart of this conversation is Grace, a seasoned HR consultant and the Lead Consultant at Atarah Solutions, whose unique perspective offers profound insights into how HR professionals can embrace this generational shift and create a harmonious, productive, and innovative work environment.

Understanding the Gen Z Mindset: This is a crucial step for HR professionals as they navigate the changing workplace landscape.

Grace is deeply passionate about creating sustainable businesses through people, with a particular focus on fostering commitment, consistency, and feedback. She emphasizes that Gen Z is not only the future of the workforce but also a key driver of innovation. This generation values autonomy, creativity, and inclusivity—and, most importantly, they are eager to contribute meaningfully to organizations.

“Organizations need to engage these guys,” Grace emphasizes. “Have brainstorming sessions with them. Let them come up with solutions. These are the future leaders, and if you don’t engage them, your organization will fall behind in innovation.”

For Grace, the emphasis on inclusivity is paramount. “Inclusivity is about ensuring that everyone, across generations, feels like they belong and their voice matters. For the first time, we have five generations working together in the workplace. How do we ensure that all voices are heard and that each generation’s strengths are leveraged for the benefit of the entire organization? This understanding and empathy towards each generation’s unique strengths and perspectives is crucial for fostering a harmonious and productive work environment.”

Fostering an Inclusive Culture

Grace’s leadership style offers a glimpse into how HR professionals can tap into the potential of Gen Z. In her consultancy and team at Atarah Solutions, she actively encourages autonomy among her younger employees, giving them the freedom to make decisions while holding them accountable for their outcomes. “Autonomy has worked wonders,” she reflects. “When people understand what they’re hired to do and are given the space to execute, they thrive. They can count on me for support, but I don’t micromanage.”

This balance between autonomy and accountability helps foster a culture of innovation where individuals feel empowered to contribute fresh ideas. Grace also underscores the importance of creating a “learning organization” where generational knowledge flows both ways. “It’s not just about Gen Z adapting to the workplace,” she says. “It’s about creating a space where Gen X, Millennials, and Baby Boomers can also learn from them.”

The Power of Flexibility and Strength-Based Roles

According to Grace, one of the most effective ways HR professionals can tap into Gen Z’s potential is by playing to their strengths. She notes that this generation has a knack for negotiation and values fairness, often asking for higher salaries early in their careers—a reflection of their confidence and self-awareness.

“Organizations need to know their people’s strengths,” she advises. “Put them in positions where they can thrive. If Gen Z employees are strong negotiators, assign them to roles where negotiation skills are vital.”

Grace shares a particularly memorable story of supporting an employee whose passion lay outside his job description. “He was a talented musician, and his music commitments were affecting his work. Instead of reprimanding him, we found a way to support his dream. We even paid for part of his music school. He was happier, and his productivity at work improved. This showed me the power of supporting employees’ passions beyond the workplace.”

Joram Mwinamo’s Take: Harnessing Innovation Through Risk-Taking

Joram Mwinamo, the co-founder and CEO of Sandbox, brings another layer of insight to this dynamic conversation.

Sandbox, known for offering comprehensive professional services to SMEs, mirrors the entrepreneurial spirit that characterizes many Gen Zs. According to Joram, “Gen Z’s are more ambitious, more outgoing, bolder in the risks they take,” especially when compared to previous generations. This fearlessness shows in how they tackle entrepreneurship, with many of them “not afraid to raise money or build companies that are regional or even global right from the onset.”

What sets this generation apart is their innate grasp of technology and their capacity to leverage it. “They adapt better and faster,” Joram notes. Whether it’s building an entire career as an influencer on social media or developing groundbreaking fintech solutions, Gen Zs have grown up knowing how to use technology not just as a tool, but as a pathway to success. Joram adds that this group has been able to achieve remarkable things by operating beyond borders and disrupting traditional markets.

To maximize the potential of Gen Z in the workplace, Joram advises organizations to adapt. He suggests businesses “give them responsibility and learn from them,” especially in reaching new audiences or platforms like TikTok, where Gen Z excels. This involves creating a space where experimentation and even failure are encouraged—allowing room for innovation. “You cannot make the environment too rigid,” Joram says. “Organizations need to create spaces for trying out new things, learning, and bringing in new ideas.”

Joram’s leadership approach at Sandbox aligns with these principles. He has fostered a “very flat structure” within his company, allowing Gen Z employees to voice their ideas, and supporting them in turning those ideas into reality. “Not everything works out,” Joram admits, “but at least we learn from everything that we try.” The flexibility offered within Sandbox’s work environment is designed to enable people to thrive on their terms, whether that means coming to the office early and leaving early, or working into the evening. This freedom not only boosts productivity but also encourages creativity and innovation.

Supporting Creativity and Innovation

Grace also believes that fostering a culture of innovation requires providing opportunities for all employees to showcase their talents, no matter how unconventional they may be. At her former organization, she introduced a talent day where employees could showcase their skills—whether singing, preaching, or other non-work-related talents. “It’s about giving people the space to be themselves and showing that the organization values their whole person, not just their job performance.”

Encouraging creativity among Gen Z requires a delicate balance of guidance and freedom. Grace highlights the importance of allowing people to make mistakes as part of the learning process but within limits. “Mistakes are part of growth, but we must also instill a spirit of excellence,” she asserts. “Allow them room to fail but ensure there are high standards they aspire to.”

A Fresh Perspective from Jay Walemba

In addition to Grace’s insights, Jay Walemba, CEO of Jay CVs, offers his perspective on how to foster creativity and adaptability among Gen Z. Jay emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and adaptability in a fast-changing world. “Gen Z thrives when they are empowered to learn and grow beyond traditional job descriptions,” Jay notes.

 “Encouraging them to pick up new skills, even outside their current roles, creates well-rounded professionals who can easily adapt to new challenges.”

Jay also underscores the value of mentorship in unlocking Gen Z’s potential. “By pairing young professionals with experienced mentors, organizations create a safe space for them to explore ideas, make mistakes, and learn from them.”

His company’s focus on providing personalized support through CV writing, interview preparation, and job search strategies has given him a unique view of Gen Z’s readiness for the workplace. “This generation is hungry for guidance, and it’s our role as leaders to provide it while also letting them bring their fresh perspectives to the table,” Jay concludes that cultivating an environment where Gen Z can be innovative and confident while also guiding them with structured mentorship, will be the key to organizational success in the future.

Advice for HR Professionals

For HR professionals navigating this new era, Grace offers a simple but profound piece of advice: “Embrace people for who they are, not for who you want them to be. Give them opportunities to grow.

She emphasizes the importance of creating an employee-centric organization first. When employees feel valued and are given space to thrive, they, in turn, will help create a customer-centric organization. It starts from within, with HR professionals leading the charge.

“Give them autonomy, create a support system, and ensure that every voice is heard. This isn’t just about managing Gen Z. It’s about creating a culture where every generation is valued.”

Advice for Gen Z

In her final remarks, Grace offers some advice directly to Gen Z employees: “Life is not a straight line. Be ready for the ups and downs. Perfection is an illusion, and learning is ongoing. You may know how to use ChatGPT or Google for quick answers, but that doesn’t replace the depth of real-world learning.”

Grace highlights the importance of self-motivation, urging Gen Z to be proactive in the workplace. “Don’t just sit back and wait for someone to tell you what to do. Take initiative. Ask how you can help.”

Her final message to young professionals is rooted in resilience and consistency: “Commit to your work. Competence will lead to confidence, and with consistency, success will follow.”

For Gen Zs entering the workforce, Joram offers this advice: “Try out many things to see where your strengths lie, but over time, focus on building a core competency.” He also emphasizes the importance of resilience, a quality that is often overshadowed by the fast-paced, result-driven mentality of today’s world. “There’s no perfect workplace,” Joram says, “but building resilience helps you confront unpleasant situations and come out stronger.”

As the various professionals put it so eloquently, we are living in an extraordinary time, where multiple generations are converging in the workplace. HR professionals have the unique opportunity to harness the energy, creativity, and drive of Gen Z while creating a culture where all generations can collaborate and thrive. There is a need for flexibility and boldness, mentorship, and continuous learning. By fostering inclusivity, providing growth opportunities, and empowering young professionals, organizations can unlock the full potential of the next generation of leaders.

The post Occupying Everywhere: Gen Z’s Shaping the Future of HR and Innovation first appeared on Magazine.

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How Organizations Can tap into the Potential of Gen ZS Wed, 25 Sep 2024 06:08:39 +0000 Amidst the rapid technological changes and values in our society, Generation Z (Gen Z) is making their mark on how business will look in this century. This cohort is those born between 1997–2012 and they bring a unique set of values, expectations and skills to the table that represents an unprecedented opportunity for businesses willing to change.

The post How Organizations Can tap into the Potential of Gen ZS first appeared on Magazine.

By CHRP Aasmah Said 

Amidst the rapid technological changes and values in our society, Generation Z (Gen Z) is making their mark on how business will look in this century. This cohort is those born between 1997–2012 and they bring a unique set of values, expectations and skills to the table that represents an unprecedented opportunity for businesses willing to change. The complexity of the 21st century will require we leverage Gen Z’s creativity if businesses are to have any hope of becoming more adaptable and sustainable.

Who Are Gen Z?

Gen Z has never known a world without the internet. They are a very connected, digital-first and practical group, moulded by the broader global themes of climate crisis, economic insecurity, and social equality. They are unlike millennials — not just in their digital upbringing but also because of a no-nonsense problem-solving attitude as well as an ethos that respects authenticity and sustainability.

What Makes this Generation Different?

The point of difference between Gen Z and previous generations; is their focus on innovation, and sustainable living. Whereas previous generations would favour companies that demonstrated social responsibility and environmental stewardship, Gen Z consider the degree of a business’ commitment to ethical practices as more important than a mere good to have.

As a bonus, Gen Z is also entrepreneurial. They were your typical builders who had just started their businesses or side projects since they were teens with a big dream to change the world. It is this entrepreneurial spirit, along with a desire for work flexibility and control over destiny that makes them unique.

Where and When Would Gen Z Make an Impact?

Gen Z is starting to make an impact on a multitude of industries. They are also the new workforce, and their preferences are shaping industries. Across a wide range of sectors, from retail and technology to finance and healthcare, every sector is fast realising that they must adapt their offerings so as not to miss out on the largest demographic group.

Gen Z already has made their mark on the workforce, driving employers to provide remote work opportunities and flex-scheduling with a strong emphasis on mental health. If those things are not met, companies may discover their top talent working for a competitor that offers it all.

The Importance of Gen Z Audience for Your Business?

Taking advantage of and adapting to the specific characteristics that define Gen Z will result in thriving businesses. The fact that this generation naturally leans toward sustainability also makes it line up with increased corporate social responsibility. While this attracts Gen Z, staying relevant requires a commitment to flexibility and sustainability for long-term success. 

Gen Z is also digital-native, which is a big deal. Their expertise with social media, digital communication and emerging technologies cannot only spark innovation but solidify a business’ online footprint. It can also put those businesses ahead of the game and at a greater capacity to communicate with consumers in future generations.

How Can Companies Tap into the Potential of Gen Z?

  • Embed Sustainable Practices: Integrating sustainable practices is paramount in helping businesses attract and retain talent and customers from amongst Gen Z. These would involve reducing carbon footprints, increasing responsible sourcing, and environmental stewardship. For example, Patagonia’s commitment to environmental activism really gets the blood of this generation pumping—it sets benchmarks for corporate responsibility.
  • Embrace Technology and Innovation: This comfort of technology in Gen Z means they do expect innovative and tech-forward companies. Leverage the digital tools at one’s command to help smoothen the operations, enhance customer experience, and foster creativity. Giants such as Apple and Google used the digital savvy of Gen Z and made it functional for the betterment of product innovation and engagement.
  • Emphasize Diversity and Inclusion: Gen Z believe in diversity and inclusiveness and would like to see this replicated in the workforce and in practice within companies. Businesses that go to bat for diverse voices and inclusive policies can begin building stronger relationships with Gen Z and leveraging diverse perspectives and ideas.
  • Foster Entrepreneurial Spirit: An entrepreneurial mindset can be encouraged within the organization to unleash the innovative potential of Generation Z workers. This could manifest in opportunities for intrapreneurship, side projects, and mentorship programs.
  • Emphasis on Mental Health and Well-being: Companies need to demonstrate to their prospective employees that they truly care about mental health if they want to engage and retain Gen Z talent. Organizations can do so by providing a supportive work environment and access to mental health facilities, focusing on work-life balance for employee happiness and productivity.

As Generation Z drives business forward, what matters most to them is how to engage them in their creativity which is critical to long-term success. Embracing sustainability, technology, diversity, entrepreneurship, and mental well-being keeps companies in line with Gen Z’s expectations, thus setting them up for a dynamic world of change. The potential of connecting with this era—therein lies an opportunity that looks far beyond mere relevance toward opening the doors to a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Aasmah Said is an associate member at IHRM and a Certified HR professional in the banking industry with 9 years of experience. She is a strong advocate of mental health and employee wellness and is enthusiastic about creating conducive work environments. She’s currently pursuing a degree in Counselling Psychology aiming to blend HR skills with a profound understanding of mental health issues to make workplaces healthier for everyone.

The post How Organizations Can tap into the Potential of Gen ZS first appeared on Magazine.

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MISSED OPPORTUNITIES: THE IMPLICATIONS OF SQUANDERING A DISCIPLINARY HEARING Mon, 06 May 2024 08:19:37 +0000 In employer-employee workplace tales, a person decrying unfair termination is a common scenario. But what about the instances where the employee had a chance to tell their side of the story in a disciplinary hearing, but they let it slip away?


By Desmond Odhiambo & Sara Ndei

In employer-employee workplace tales, a person decrying unfair termination is a common scenario. But what about the instances where the employee had a chance to tell their side of the story in a disciplinary hearing, but they let it slip away? This is the story in the case of Okun v Kenyatta University (Cause 363 of 2019) [2023] where the employee sought a declaration from the court that his employment was terminated unfairly. The twist is that the employer had extended two invitations to the employee to appear before a disciplinary committee, which were postponed at the request of the employee. Thereafter, it sent a third invitation which the employee refused to honour entirely. What is the implication of squandering the termination process in this way?

Disciplinary hearings play a pivotal role in ensuring fairness in the realm of employment by presenting a forum where both the employer and employee can resolve workplace disputes. Section 41(2) of the Employment Act establishes both the rights of an employee subjected to a disciplinary hearing and the responsibilities of an employer regarding due process while conducting disciplinary hearings.

It provides that all employers should hear and consider any representations that an employee accused of misconduct or poor performance may have before terminating their employment on those grounds.

Right to a fair trial

Taking cognizance of the fact that disciplinary hearings are a tenet of the right to a fair trial enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, the intricacies of such hearings demand that the employer aligns with the principles of a fair trial. This has been affirmed by the Employment and Labour Relations Court in various instances, including in the case of Winnie Mbete Mutua v Brackenhurst Kenya Limited [2021] eKLR. In this case, the court opined that while disciplinary proceedings are not equivalent to court proceedings, an employer should still ensure that the rules of natural justice, fair hearing, or due process are not blatantly violated when administering them.

However, while the employer has the onus to ensure that an employee has a fair disciplinary hearing, the employee also plays a pivotal role in protecting their own right to be heard by ensuring that they do not squander their chances of being heard in that forum. The consequences of squandering such an opportunity, which are highlighted in Okun, are dire and result in an unfavourable and unintended outcome on the part of the employee.

In this case, the judge affirmed that continually avoiding and deferring a disciplinary hearing is tantamount to an admission of guilt on the part of the employee. As a result, the employee is considered guilty of the alleged misconduct that they were accused of, which is in an outcome that may have been different had the employee taken the opportunity to defend themselves.

Additionally, the judge opined that squandering the chance to be heard creates justification for an employer to terminate the employee’s employment on grounds of misconduct. This follows from the fact that at that point, the employee is considered guilty of the misconduct they were accused of, which substantiates the termination of their employment.

Further, the judge held that if the employee is subsequently terminated, the employee cannot thereafter claim that there was no due process followed in their termination.

This is because an employer who has made great effort to have the employee be heard is considered to have acted fairly, even if the employee remained adamant in avoiding the hearing.


In conclusion, both the employer and the employee play a crucial part in ensuring that disciplinary hearings achieve their intended outcome of a fair hearing. However, if an employer presents a fair opportunity for the employee to be heard but the employee squanders their chance, the employer can take decisive action to terminate the employee – so long as they can demonstrate that they followed due process to administer a fair hearing in line with their policies and procedure. Such squandering only works to the detriment of the employee, as it contributes to their termination and takes away their right to claim unfair procedure on the part of the employer.

This article was authored by Desmond Odhiambo and Sara Ndei. Desmond Odhiambo is a Partner at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr (CDH) in the Dispute Resolution, Employment Law, Trusts & Estates practice areas, as well as in the Business Rescue, Restructuring & Insolvency sector.


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TRANSFORMATIVE LEADERSHIP: INTEGRATING GOVERNANCE, HR PRACTICES AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE ORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESS Mon, 06 May 2024 07:35:27 +0000 In the dynamic landscape of modern business, effective leadership, management, and governance are crucial elements that drive organizational success. When coupled with strategic Human Resources (HR) practices, these components create a robust framework that not only fosters growth but also ensures sustainability across all industries and business sectors.


By Bethuel Sugut

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, effective leadership, management, and governance are crucial elements that drive organizational success. When coupled with strategic Human Resources (HR) practices, these components create a robust framework that not only fosters growth but also ensures sustainability across all industries and business sectors.

Leadership in HR Practices:

Leadership in HR practices goes beyond traditional management roles. It encompasses the ability to inspire, motivate, and empower employees to achieve their full potential. Effective HR leaders understand the importance of aligning HR strategies with organizational goals and values. They play a pivotal role in creating a positive work culture that promotes innovation, collaboration, and employee engagement.

In today’s diverse workforce, inclusive leadership is paramount. Leaders must embrace diversity and inclusion initiatives, promote equal opportunities, and create an environment where every employee feels valued and respected. This not only enhances productivity but also contributes to a more harmonious workplace.

Management in HR Practices:

HR management involves strategic planning, execution, and evaluation of HR policies and processes. It includes talent acquisition, performance management, training and development, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. Effective HR management ensures that organisations have the right talent in place to achieve their objectives.

One of the key aspects of HR management is talent acquisition and retention. In a competitive market, attracting top talent and retaining skilled employees is essential for business success. HR managers leverage recruitment strategies, employer branding, and talent development programs to build a high-performing workforce.

Performance management is another critical area where HR plays a vital role. Through performance appraisals, feedback mechanisms, and goal setting, HR managers help employees understand expectations, identify areas for improvement, and align individual goals with organizational objectives.

Governance in HR Practices:

Governance in HR practices revolves around ethical standards, compliance, and accountability. HR governance frameworks ensure that HR policies and procedures adhere to legal requirements, industry regulations, and ethical guidelines. It involves establishing transparent processes, maintaining confidentiality, and upholding fairness and equity in all HR decisions.

HR governance also encompasses risk management and mitigation strategies. HR leaders collaborate with legal and compliance teams to address potential risks related to employee relations, data privacy, and workplace safety. By proactively addressing these risks, organizations can avoid costly legal issues and protect their reputations.

Cross-Industry Impact:

The principles of leadership, management, and governance in HR practices are applicable across all industries and business sectors. Whether it’s healthcare, finance, technology, or manufacturing, effective HR leadership drives organizational performance and employee satisfaction.

In healthcare, HR practices focus on talent management, patient care, and regulatory compliance. HR leaders in this sector prioritise patient safety, staff training, and ethical conduct to ensure quality healthcare delivery.

In the finance industry, HR plays a critical role in talent retention, risk management, and regulatory compliance. HR leaders collaborate with compliance teams to navigate complex regulations and maintain a culture of integrity and transparency.

Technology companies rely on HR for talent acquisition, innovation, and organizational agility. HR practices in tech industries emphasize continuous learning, diversity, and adaptability to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

In manufacturing, HR practices focus on workforce optimisation, safety protocols, and supply chain resilience. HR leaders in this sector implement training programs, performance metrics, and risk assessment strategies to enhance operational efficiency and mitigate disruptions.


In conclusion, effective leadership, management, and governance with a bias in HR practices are essential components of organizational success across all industries and business sectors. By prioritizing employee well-being, talent development, and ethical standards, organizations can build a resilient workforce and thrive in today’s dynamic business environment.

Bethuel Sugut is an IHRM Associate member. He can be reached at

Or 0721274366.


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IS REVERSAL MENTORSHIP THE  SILVER BULLET TO RETAINING GEN-ZS AT THE WORKPLACE? Mon, 06 May 2024 07:31:41 +0000 Generation Z, often referred to as Gen Z, is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha. While there isn't a universally agreed-upon range of birth years for Gen Z, they are typically defined as individuals born roughly between the mid-1990s to the early 2010s. Gen Z is known


By Teresia Mburu

Generation Z, often referred to as Gen Z, is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha. While there isn’t a universally agreed-upon range of birth years for Gen Z, they are typically defined as individuals born roughly between the mid-1990s to the early 2010s. Gen Z is known for being the first digital-native generation, having grown up in a world where smartphones, social media, and instant access to information are the norm. They are Digital Natives highly adept at using technology for communication, entertainment, and learning. They value authenticity and are drawn to platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok.They are socially conscious and embrace diversity and inclusivity. Their work culture is characterized by job hoping They prioritize work-life balance and seek opportunities for remote work, flexible hours, and autonomy in how they manage their time. Organizations that offer rigid, inflexible work environments may struggle to retain Gen Z talent.

Reversal mentorship is a scenario where seasoned professionals learn from younger, often more tech-savvy individuals, unlike traditional mentorship where knowledge flows from experienced mentors to eager mentees. In the era of rapid technological advancement and evolving workplace dynamics, there’s a growing recognition of the value of reversal mentorship which is a path to mutual growth and innovation for cross-generational employees. Reversal mentorship embraces a horizontal exchange of expertise, insights, and perspectives, regardless of age or seniority. In reversal mentorship, both parties are viewed as learners and teachers, creating a dynamic environment for mutual growth and innovation. This is a fertile ground for retaining Gen Zs at the workplace 

Merits of reversal mentorship that can aid in retaining Gen Zs at the workplace

  1. Cross-Generational Collaboration: Reversal mentorship bridges the generation gap by fostering collaboration between individuals of different age groups. It allows younger employees to benefit from the wisdom and experience of older professionals while providing seasoned professionals with fresh perspectives and insights from the younger generation and therefore cultivating a healthy workplace conducive for all generations. This helps to retain the Gen Zs at the workplace 
  2. Cultural Integration and Diversity: Reversal mentorship promotes cultural integration and diversity within organizations by fostering relationships between individuals of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This creates a more inclusive and dynamic work environment where diverse ideas and viewpoints are valued and respected. By understanding and accommodating the unique preferences and priorities of Gen Z, organizations can attract and retain top talent from Gen Zs.
  3. Skill Development and Innovation: Reversal mentorship encourages the exchange of skills and knowledge across diverse backgrounds and experiences, leading to innovation and creative problem-solving. Younger mentees often bring advanced technological skills and innovative ideas, while older mentors offer valuable experience and wisdom, creating a fertile ground for innovation. Gen Zs have a keen eye on innovation which motivates them to enhance their retention at the workplace.
  4. Career Advancement: Reversal mentorship provides opportunities for both mentors and mentees to advance their careers. Mentors gain satisfaction from sharing their knowledge and expertise, while mentees receive guidance, support, and opportunities for requisite skills for career advancement.Gen Zs are motivated by career advancement and therefore this may enhance their retention at the workplace.

While reversal mentorship offers numerous benefits, it also presents certain challenges that organizations need to address:

  1. Ego and Resistance to Change: Some seasoned professionals may feel threatened by the idea of learning from younger individuals, leading to ego clashes and resistance to change. Overcoming these barriers requires a culture of humility, openness, and a willingness to embrace new perspectives.
  2. Communication and Understanding: Generational differences in communication styles, values, and work habits can create misunderstandings and communication barriers in reversal mentorship relationships. Building empathy, active listening, and fostering open dialogue are essential for overcoming these challenges.
  3. Structural Barriers: Organizational structures and policies may not always support reversal mentorship initiatives, making it difficult to implement and sustain such programs. Addressing structural barriers requires leadership commitment, resource allocation, and a willingness to adapt existing systems to accommodate reversal mentorship.

Strategies for Implementing Reversal Mentorship

  1. Promote a Culture of Learning: Foster a culture that values continuous learning, curiosity, and knowledge-sharing at all levels of the organization. Encourage employees to embrace reversal mentorship as a means of personal and professional development.
  2. Provide Training and Support: Offer training programs and resources to equip mentors and mentees with the necessary skills and knowledge to engage effectively in reversal mentorship relationships. Provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure the success of these initiatives.
  3. Facilitate Cross-Generational Interactions: Create opportunities for cross-generational interactions, such as mentorship programs, team projects, and networking events. Encourage employees to collaborate across age groups and share their expertise and insights.
  4. Lead by Example: Leadership plays a crucial role in promoting reversal mentorship within an organization. Senior leaders should lead by example, actively participating in mentorship relationships and demonstrating a commitment to lifelong learning and development.

In conclusion, Reversal mentorship represents a paradigm shift in how we approach learning and development in the modern workplace. By embracing the principles of reciprocity, collaboration, and continuous learning, organizations can harness the full potential of their diverse workforce and drive innovation and growth. As we navigate the complexities of an ever-changing business landscape, reversal mentorship offers a roadmap for fostering a culture of mutual respect, understanding, and excellence. By embracing reversal mentorship organizations can retain top talents and Gen Zs at the workplace.

Teresia Waithera Mburu is the Principal Human Resource Manager at the State Department for Energy. You can reach her through Tel No: 0711374679 Email: 


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