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Note from The Executive Director

Executive Director

In this issue, themed “Gen-Z Times: Harnessing Innovative Potential for Resilient and Sustainable Businesses,” we focus on the Gen-Z cohort as they enter our workplaces. As HR professionals, we are at the forefront of this transition, responsible for integrating their innovative spirit into our organizations.
Gen-Z brings a unique perspective rooted in technology, social justice, and environmental consciousness. They challenge norms and inspire us to rethink traditional business models. It is not only our duty to accommodate these changes but also to create an environment that nurtures their ideas. Our operational role involves implementing strategies that ensure Gen-Z’s successful integration while driving organizational growth.

Practically, this means creating agile organizational structures that support flexible work arrangements and provide continuous learning and development opportunities tailored to the digital age. We must also focus on building inclusive workplaces that reflect Gen-Z’s values of diversity and sustainability. By investing in platforms that allow young professionals to express their ideas and concerns, we position ourselves as organizations that listen, adapt, and innovate.
At IHRM, we have been proactive in supporting our members through resources and training designed to help them navigate this generational shift. We have developed specialized programs on digital HR tools, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills to equip HR professionals with the tools they need to manage a diverse workforce. Additionally, we have strengthened our mentorship programs, connecting experienced HR leaders with young professionals to foster knowledge sharing and career growth.
It is important to note that while Gen-Z offers fresh perspectives, the onus is on us as HR practitioners to create a conducive environment for their growth. This involves not only understanding their needs but also proactively addressing the challenges they face in the workplace.
Together, let us embrace this opportunity with open minds and a proactive approach, ensuring that Gen-Z not only finds a place in our organizations but also plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of our industry.

CHRP Quresha Abdullahi
Executive Director, IHRM Kenya