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By Daniel Aming’a

Job satisfaction is the state of fulfillment and gratification of employees in the production process of an organization. Managers have a greater responsibility in crafting a conducive atmosphere for effective production.  A company can employ very talented and “top cream” employees within the industry but if the workplace environment isn’t welcoming, they will all exit. The workplace environment is key in attracting and retaining employees. Employee engagement and job satisfaction are increasingly seen as a way of retaining staff, furthermore, encouraging them to share their view and ideas with co-workers and senior management helps in creating an environment of trust and cooperation.

I once researched on the “Effect of employee (teacher) transition on the performance of schools within Siaya Sub-county” in the wake of the delocalization policy adopted by the Teachers Service Commission. The research unearthed that many employees endure working in “our” institutions rather than enjoy rendering their services at the workplace as a result of an unfavourable work atmosphere which hinders the quality of their output.

So, what are the magic tips for enhancing job satisfaction?

  1. Appreciate them for the work done; Have you ever given a task your best to accomplish a task and yet nobody discovers your efforts? How did you feel? Appreciation from your boss and co-workers can turn a mundane day into a very exciting one. It gives workers the impetus to do more. People like to work where they feel valued and respected. As a manager, make it a culture to often appreciate your employees. It will work wonders and bring the best out of them.
  2. Foster good relationships with colleagues and superiors; Many people have abandoned well-paying jobs as a result of gory relationships with their colleagues. It is important to ensure you cultivate a good relationship with your superiors at the workplace since this will help in maintaining a healthy work environment resulting in job satisfaction. I once quit my work because a superior overindulged in my duties. It can be miserable to work among people you don’t get along with and in most cases, our employees at times endure working with us rather than enjoying offering their services. Some employees have ended up in depression while others are into chronic ailments as a result of this.
  3. Good work-life balance; It is crucially important for employees to take some time off to attend to family, social and spiritual issues away from work. Creating time for recreation, team building and providing personal growth incentives helps to maintain a good work-life balance thus developing an all-round team of employees is critically important for achieving institutional goals and objectives. Institutions should embrace flexible work schedules such as part-time, paternity, and working from home where possible. Companies with rigid working practices are currently becoming unattractive as many people are opting for self-employment.
  4. Company’s financial stability; Let us face the truth, we work for money and at the end of the month or week, we expect to be paid. Other benefits only follow thereafter. When the institution you are working for is not financially stable to pay for your services, you will never be satisfied to work there. The knowledge that the company you work for is financially viable enough to meet your wage bill is a guarantee in itself. Employees will only feel good when the institutions they are working for are performing well. Otherwise, they will always be in the fields looking for greener pastures.
  5. Learning and career; Every worker dreams of career progression and professional development. Everyone desires to move steadily to the top. Work without career progression results in boredom. The need to upgrade your delivery techniques can be both inspirational and motivating. As a manager, it is necessary to provide benefits for career progression and development through further training. This will attract competent workers and cultivate job satisfaction.
  6. Job security; This remains an ancient tool for attracting competent and talented workers. No one goes into a new job planning to leave it. All employees desire to work without looking over their shoulders for fear of being sacked. Whenever such insecurities begin to set in, employees begin to hatch an exit strategy. Learn to reassure your workers that their jobs are safe since threatening them with job terminations will create a big wedge between you and your staff
  7. Attractive fixed salaries; We all expect to be paid for a day’s work and knowing that your income is going to be paid at the end of the week or month is more satisfying. Some managers have a bad habit of failing to pay their employees. I once worked at an institution for several months without earning a single coin, even though my contract clearly stated that it wasn’t a voluntary position. Managers need to realise that employees have bills to be paid and withholding salaries is immoral. They should be prompt in their payments to avoid pushing workers into crisis with their service and utility providers.
  8. Interesting job content; As a manager, it is important to enrich the work of your employees by doing a proper job design to eliminate boredom. Contract a competent human resource professional to do job evaluation in your institution to match their work and qualifications to make their work interesting and lively.
  9. Company values; Most of the 21st century institutions have core values displayed from the entrance. When a worker is seeking for a job, they evaluate themselves in relation to the core values of the organization. Ensure that your company values are not a downgrade of their social moral system.

In summary, job satisfaction is both desirable and attainable. It may sometimes be necessary to modify your expectations or even consider changing jobs. No one – not your co-worker nor your boss that can make you trapped in a role that make you unhappy. When the rubber meets the road, we all tend to press the exit button somehow. (Adopted From 21st Century Managers Handbook)

The writer is the CEO of Golden Generation Consultancy Firm & Wordsmith Printing Press. He is a trainer on various HR-related issues, a mentor across a number of learning institutions, a trainer on leadership and an author of several motivational books e.g. 21st Century Managers Handbook and A Skillful Tent Maker among others. He is a member of IHRM.

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