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By Josephine Munene

The World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is a campaign organised and coordinated by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) annually from 1st to 7th August to inform, anchor, engage and galvanize action on breastfeeding and related issues. The focus of this year’s WBW is on empowering families and sustaining breastfeeding-friendly workplace environments. 

The objectives, as published on the WABA WBW2023 website, are to inform people about working parents’ perspectives on breastfeeding and parenting; anchor optimal paid leave and workplace support as important tools to enable breastfeeding; engage with individuals and organizations to enhance collaboration and support for breastfeeding at work and galvanise action on improving working conditions and relevant support for breastfeeding. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines exclusive breastfeeding as “a cornerstone of child survival and child health because it provides essential, irreplaceable nutrition for a child’s growth and development.” 

As a parent who changed professions to become a Lactation Support Professional after my first child, I have the unique advantage of having various perspectives on balancing breastfeeding and work. I still remember my experience thirteen years ago when I was working for a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company. Upon my return to work from maternity leave, I realized it would be challenging to maintain my exclusive breastfeeding goal because there was neither a designated room for mothers to express their milk nor protected time, so I had to use whatever inconsistent free moments I had, which negatively affected my breast milk supply. Most importantly, during my transition back, I did not find the support I required from management, Human Resources (HR), or my co-workers and peers, who were also parents. 

The most recent Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS) 2022 report shows that 7 out of 10 infants are exclusively breastfed in the first month of birth, but by 4-5 months, the rate drops to 4 out of 10 infants. The rate drop coincides with when most women return to work from maternity leave. 

According to the same KDHS 2022 report, 52% of women aged 15 – 49 are part of the workforce, with 48% in elementary (26%) and agricultural (22%) occupations. A combined percentage of 47% work in jobs with more formal work premises such as offices, shops and eateries. 

Several legal and regulatory frameworks in Kenya provide working parents with minimum protection and support, such as the Employment Act, Section 29, which stipulates three months of job-protected paid maternity leave and two weeks of job-protected paternity leave. The Health Act 2017, Sections 71 and 72 compel employers to provide lactation spaces and protected time for lactating female employees upon returning from maternity leave. More so, the Ministry of Health published Guidelines to Securing a Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace in 2018.

Unfortunately, through my work as a Lactation Support Professional in regular contact with mothers working long hours away from their babies, I have realised that over a decade later and with the additional legal requirements and guidelines to provide lactation spaces and time, employers still need to make a concerted effort to cultivate supportive environments within the workplace. 

It is reasonable to conclude that exclusive breastfeeding rates in Kenya are more likely to rise if women in the workforce, both in the informal and formal sectors, receive extensive, adequate and sustainable support in the workplace. 

How can working parents be sufficiently and sustainably supported in the workplace?

HR plays a crucial role in supporting breastfeeding mothers in the workplace. Here are some ways HR can help:

  1. Develop a Breastfeeding Policy: HR should work with management to create a comprehensive policy outlining the company’s commitment to supporting breastfeeding mothers. This policy should include details about designated lactation spaces, protected time for expressing breast milk, and other provisions available to breastfeeding employees.
  2.  Establish Lactation Spaces: In compliance with Section 71 of the Health Act 2017, HR should collaborate with facilities management to set up dedicated lactation spaces. As indicated in the Ministry of Health Guidelines of 2018, these rooms should be private, clean, and comfortable, equipped with a comfortable chair, small table and electrical outlets for breast pumps and appropriate storage facilities such as refrigerators, amongst other necessary amenities to facilitate easy expressing of breast milk.
  1. Provide Breast Pumps and Related Equipment: HR can ensure breastfeeding mothers access appropriate expressing equipment, such as electric breast pumps, that are discreet and multiple employees can use safely.
  1. Support Remote Work Options: When possible, consider offering remote work options for breastfeeding mothers. This can help reduce stress and commuting time, allowing them more time with their infants.
  1. Provide Education and Training: Offer training to supervisors and employees to raise awareness about the importance of breastfeeding support and to dispel any myths or misconceptions. This education should promote a culture of respect and understanding for breastfeeding mothers.
  1. Offer and Communicate Resources for Support: HR should proactively communicate available resources and support to breastfeeding employees. This may include distributing written information, providing resources to establish peer support groups, identifying breastfeeding champions who can advocate for breastfeeding mothers, and providing contact details for Lactation Support Professionals. 
  1. Address Discrimination Concerns: HR should be vigilant in addressing any discrimination or harassment related to breastfeeding in the workplace. Employees should feel safe and confident in asserting their rights without fear of negative consequences.
  1. Support Transition Back to Work: HR can assist mothers returning to work after maternity leave by providing a smooth transition plan. This may involve a phased return to work, reduced hours, or other modifications based on the mother’s needs.
  1. Collect Feedback: HR should gather feedback from breastfeeding employees regularly to assess the effectiveness of the support provided and identify areas for improvement.
  1. Lead by Example: HR should lead by example and demonstrate the organisation’s commitment to supporting breastfeeding mothers. This will foster a culture of inclusivity and support throughout the company.

By taking a holistic approach to providing workplace support, HR professionals can create a productive environment for breastfeeding mothers, helping them balance their work responsibilities with the important task of nurturing their infants.

Josephine W. Munene is a passionate maternal, infant and child health specialist. Currently, she is the Director of Community Engagement at Maziwa Breastfeeding, a social enterprise focused on helping mothers balance their babies’ health and their families’ economic well-being.

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