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By Robert Owuor

There is no doubt that people are the most valuable resource in an organization and that they determine the success of a business. Any matter that undermines productivity is a direct threat to companies. With lessons learned from previous crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations should invest seriously in staff well-being and productivity at the workplace. One of the key performance indicators for HR managers is managing HR risks. These risks range from incapacitation of staff due to diseases, injuries and movement to critical staff turnover. Staff incompetency due to technological advancement and leadership also poses threats to productivity. In particular, and related to the current situation, employee welfare, health and safety, have proven to be critical areas of concern in managing HR risks.

One of the strategies that organizations should consider is to invest in ‘Think Tanks’ committees within the management, and regularly do SWOT analysis on employee welfare and health & safety functions of the organization. HR can also regularly run campaigns with the staff to get ideas on possible risks they encounter, looking at worst-case scenarios and coming up with possible mitigation strategies if not elimination strategies of such risks.

Just to mention examples of risk exposures for an organization to get a better perspective on my assertion, wish to give some examples below;

Radicalization; This is currently associated with terrorists, normally perceived to exist in some other world away from our place of work. ‘Maybe the perpetrators are not human beings but some creature we cannot associate with our offices.’ What we forget is that some of the radicalized persons turned terrorists, are brilliant professionals that would otherwise make up for our best employees. What if one of your employees was radicalized and managed to get to the office armed? We don’t wish for this, but depending on its impact, this can be a major disruption that can bring a business to its knees.

Corruption; Based on our Kenyan experience, we can rightfully confirm that it is an invisible being living amongst us. It seems to be homely present. I may not have a definite definition/description of its meaning so far as the workplace is concerned but can confirm countless examples of how it manifests itself at our workplace. The main agents through which it finds its roots in companies are people. This risk has forced companies into their deathbeds.

Sexism and Racism; Though currently addressed within our legal system, it has become a potential risk to the very existence of an organisation. Just like the others, its main and only agent is the people within the organization. We have had in the recent past senior executives in certain organisations being found guilty and sometimes even causing losses of grave magnitudes to companies. Organizations have collapsed purely on these bases.

Mental Health; There has been much mention of this topic in the recent past that I would not wish to over-emphasize. Just to mention that stress at the workplace has been confirmed to be one of the causes of mental health disorders. Stress is mainly a result of employee relations and interaction. If not checked, can affect human capital and adversely affect productivity.

Cybercrime and Fraud; With the advanced technology, nearly everything has gone digital. Most business processes are automated and information is stored in computers. Access to this information is online using passwords. With the increased rate of cybercrime, this has become a major area of exposure. Employees handle sensitive data of the organizations that if mishandled, may result in serious dangers to its existence in the market.

These risks among others, which might come out of a SWOT analysis exercise carried out in our organization, should form part of the areas to be looked at in ensuring business continuity. HR should develop policies based on recommendations from such committees to support implementation.

It will be important for HR professionals to be ahead of the game always and to ensure compliance. Some of the things we currently take for a joke may end up being worse pandemics for our organizations.

The various health and safety and staff welfare interventions at the workplace can go a long way in mitigating some of these risks. This therefore requires HR practitioners to take their rightful seats in the boardrooms and steer the business continuity plan (BCP) forums in their organisations. Just like the COVID-19 experience, we will need to face reality and avoid the taboo of not interrogating worst-case scenarios at the workplace. Let us test our preparedness in all possible circumstances at the workplace to, at least if not avoid, but get prepared for eventualities. BCPs will be our safer tools to insure risks at the workplace.

Mr Owuor is the Group Head – HR at Apex Steel Ltd.

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